Saturday, December 27, 2008

Oregon Transplant

No animating will be done this coming week! Nothing!
The family and I are in Oregon, visiting my folks' place. Tons of snow (tons) and our daughters' dogs guarantee not a moment of boredom.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tron's Coming Along

I'm trying to knock out one shot per night after work on my friend Scott's arcade cabinet idle animation. This first one is Tron, and will probably run about 30 seconds or so (just pulling that number out of my ass, honestly).

The next one will probably be Pac-Man, likely followed by Q-bert. After I've learned to model, rig and texture my own cartoon characters in Maya, I plan to tackle Dragon's Lair and Space Ace. Tall order, I know.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh! Tee! Oh! Tee! Oh! Tee!

And so it begins. Short notice today that we'll be doing ten-hour days all week, starting now! And maybe a Saturday thrown in to boot! Bye, wife! Bye, kids!
On the plus side, extra cash for car repairs...

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Where's my head?

How could I have failed to mention I got hired at SPI?
Over two freaking months ago!
I'm at Sony Pictures Imageworks, animating guinea pigs, moles and flies, for Disney's G-Force!Now that I'm past my initial first-time-on-a-feature-film, oh-my-god-I-don't-belong-here jitters, it's actually getting to be a lot of fun! I knew this would be a better job than hotel bell clerk! Also with Disney, coincidentally.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

My First Tron!

Yay! I'm working on my friend Scott's "Surgeville" game cabinet idle animation.
And I finally got the Tron stuff looking like I want, so I went ahead and dove right in.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Off With Their Heads!

Bill Maher noted that when a five-star hotel just isn't good enough for the richest of the rich, "it's time to bring back the guillotine". As I watch this business with the bailout for all these robber-barons bathing in the millions they stole while steering the American economy into the ground, beheading actually sounds pretty fair! Maybe some good, old-fashioned, blood-thirsty mob tactics are just what we need to bring their asses back in line! Say what you will about Wal-Mart (and you could say plenty), at least their CEO only makes 25 times that of the lowest paid employee. On the books, that is. I wish I could make hundreds of millions of dollars for sucking at my job! What a deal!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Arconyx: Gold Mine!


The pace was so quick, and the work so varied, that I forgot half the stuff I did while I was working for Kenny at Arconyx. Having gone back through my old files, though, I found enough fodder to double my demo reel! Not to mention add a ton of variety to a reel that used to be just Star Trek and my short...


Alex Zemke Animation Demo Reel August 2008

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm abandoning my kids!

Animation Mentor's holding their first-ever job fair next Friday, and I'm actually flying out there ahead of my family. We're all going to the BBQ the next day, but we can't all drive out soon enough for the fair. Boo.
Anyway, Sony'll be there, along with several big names -- including the biggest, but I already got my rejection email this year, so I'll get back to them later -- and I get to meet and greet and shake things and such. I'm already sending the Sony animation director my updated reel (see below; the copy he already has doesn't have any Star Trek on it), but I'll drop one off with the recruiters anyway, just for good measure.
The nice thing, though, is there's no undue pressure to land one of these companies. I just got asked to stay on at Technicolor for their next project! The reason I'm not torn about staying longer is that, unlike this last one, the next project is all keyframe! No mocap! I just might get to put something from one of my jobs on my reel!

In the meantime, however...

Friday, May 9, 2008

My Blanking Job

Yay! I got to sign my first non-disclosure agreement, which means I can't say squat about what I'm doing at Technicolor. Ah well.
Still, the experience is very much like I expected, and with a deadline looming in July, I don't run the risk of getting comfortable and staying too long at what should only be one step on my path to feature animation. Let's just hope Sony's still interested in me come that time!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Flying by the seat of my pants!

Work dried up sooner than expected at Arconyx. It's too bad, because I was learning so much and getting on so well.
But the bills gotta get paid, so I went out and found new work at Technicolor Interactive Services! Looks like it should be a good gig. Nice studio, friendly staff, and we'll be doing game cinematics and trailers, which is closer to the kind of work I was training to do at AM.
More later!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Videos, Videos, Videos!

OK, so maybe I shouldn't shout it three times, since there's only two.

First, my most recent demo reel update:

And, of course, my student short. This is the very weak lighting and rendering job I did for the Animation Mentor newsletter. Hey, I didn't go to Light & Render Mentor, did I?

A Whole New World...!

I graduated last month from Animation Mentor, and yesterday I got my very first animation job!!!
I'm working for AM mentor Kenny Roy, at his Arconyx Animation Studios in Santa Monica, CA.
Right now we're working on a fairly dry -- but still interesting and educational -- assignment for one of his clients, and down the line I hope to get myself placed on one of the studios more creatively exciting projects.
I've been on the job for half a day, and I can tell already that this is going to be a great new carreer! Plus, while a lot of guys who get into animation at my age have to take substatial pay cuts from their previous jobs, I have the dubious benefit of coming off an absolute crap job that I've had for over seven years now, so I'm actually making almost double what I was.